Negotiate terms of this joint service (the "Agreement") is entered into by the parties to the PA Vietnam Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as PA Vietnam) and customers, effective from the date you use the website present. This agreement specifies the terms and conditions on the website you use, as well as products and services are bought or used through this website, and complement (not substitute for) anything Terms and conditions are applied to specific services.

Whether you are simply browsing or using this website or purchase of services, the use of this website and the acceptance in electronic form of this Agreement means that you have read, understood, confirmed and agrees to be bound by this agreement as well as the policies and agreements applicable products included in the accompanying reference purposes in this document.

With its own decision and in its absolute, PA Vietnam can change or modify this Agreement and any policies as well as the unanimous points comes on at any time, changes or amendments that would have effect immediately after they are posted to this website. The customer using this website or the Services after changes or modifications have been made on means that you accept this agreement as last amended. If you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement as it was last modified You can not continue to use this website or the services on this website.


"P.A Vietnam", "We", "Party B" is the P.A Viet Nam Co., Ltd.

"You", "You", "Customer", "User", "Party A" is the person using this website or the purchase and use of the services on this website.


If you (Party A) registerthe placement server rental(Co-Location)service:

- Party A has the right to operate and manage and is responsible for backing up, restoring server data, and maintaining and troubleshooting hardware. To be responsible for managing the content of information on the server, to ensure that this information is not contrary to the provisions of law.
- Comply with and take responsibility under the State and international regulations on the use of Internet services, national secrets, security, culture, industrial property rights, operating system copyrights, software installed placed on the server (if any).

If you (Party A) register for Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS) service:
- Party A has the right to operate, manage and be responsible for backing up and restoring server data. To be responsible for managing the content of information on the server, to ensure that this information is not contrary to the provisions of law.
- Comply with and take responsibility under the State and international regulations on the use of Internet services, national secrets, security, culture, industrial property rights, operating system copyrights, software installed placed on the server (if any).

If You (Party A) registration web hosting service (Web Hosting):
- Party A shall have the right security log into the system and information on the subscription service, is responsible before the law when there are violations of the law from the use of this service.

If You (Party A) register domain name (Domain):
- Party A shall check and make sure that the domain name was registered or renewed on InterNIC (for international domain) or VNNIC (for domain .VN) after registering or renewing domain names.
- It is the responsibility to submit the domain registration declaration and comply with the Regulations on the management and use of Internet resources by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
- Complete the transfer application according to the Registrar's regulations. Party A must agree that during the domain transfer process, it is not possible to change the WHOIS information or change the NameServers for the domain.
- Before executing the domain transfer order to P.A Vietnam, the entity needs to note the following:
    + Change the NameServers of the domain to P.A Vietnam before or immediately after the domain transfer is completed.     
    + Unlock and provide the Authentication code of the domain.
- To be responsible for the declaration of international domain information on the site if Party A is the international domain name registration.
- Party A shall have the right to log into the security management system domain name and assume full responsibility before the law when there are violations of the law from using the domain name.

If you (Party A) register Locking Domain .VN service:
- Party A transfers all domain names registered for this service to Party B for management and changes the Name servers of these domain names to use the Name server provided by Party B.
- Party A is not allowed to transfer the domain name to another registrar without the expiration of the contract.
- Provide information about who has decision-making power for these domain names according to Appendix 1 attached to this contract according to the information on the domain name declaration.

If you (Party A) register Cloudbric-WAF service:
- Party A has the right to log in, operate, manage, and configure components related to the service and shall bear all legal responsibilities in case of any unlawful activities resulting from the use of the service.
- Party A is responsible for providing or assisting Party B with necessary information to support the configuration (such as Cname configuration, name server configuration, etc.).


If You (Party A) registered the placement server rental service (Co-Location):
- Party B does not bear any liability or compensation for damage related to the services provided by Party B and Party A's data.
- Party B is not liable for copyright and software operating system that Party A unauthorized use on the server.
- When Party A formal written contract termination and complete the payment of expenses incurred, it shall be returned to Party A server or other device placed in the machine room Party A Party B

If You (Party A) registration services Hiring Private Server (Dedicated) or Hire Virtual Server (VPS):
- Party B will free hardware replacement during use if hardware errors Party B within 48 hours.
- Party B does not bear any liability or compensation for damage related to the services provided by Party B and Party A's data.
- Party B is not liable for copyright and software operating system that Party A unauthorized use on the server.

If You (Party A) registration web hosting or email hosting service (Web/email Hosting):
- Party A Party B provide the account information (username, password) of Party A web hosting after registration.
- Party B does not bear any liability or compensation for damage related to the services provided by Party B and Party A's data.

If You (Party A) register Cloudbric-WAF service:
- Party B has the full right to change the software policy (license) when there are changes from the service provider.
- Party B provides password and account access information for the administrative page and supports guiding the customer in a smooth manner during the usage of the service.

If You (Party A) registration software and services License:
- Party B is free to change the policy on software, license when the supplier changes.

If You (Party A) registration domain name (Domain):
- Party A Party B provide the account information (username, password) of the domain name registration after Party A.
- All issues related dispute Vietnam domain name of this contract, it shall be handled according to the regulations of the Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC). All disputes related international domain name of this contract, it shall be handled according to the regulations of the organization and management-level domain names (ICANN). Party B does not bear any responsibility regarding.
- During the contract and make the payment if the domain name registered by another party B is absolutely no responsibility. Where the domain name has been registered by an owner other than the Party A, or not to renew it, Party B shall refund the cost of registration or renewal fees for the domain name Party A.


5.1 Domain names are special resources, can be issued to all registered before. PA Vietnam provides domain name registration services to clients within the domain name no other entity registered in time to register and complete the registration of domain names, the consent of the licensed use administration domain.

5.2 In case of non-registered domain name is owned by individuals and other entities, P.A Vietnam will refund 100% of the registration fee for the customer domain.

5.3 You acknowledge and agree that the domain name registration service fee is non-refundable once made the registration, renewal or customer has unilaterally terminate the use of the service.

5.4 Once you have completed registration, you can not adjust: (a) correct the name of the domain name, (b) the name of the subject for .VN domain names except for specific cases prescribed by VNNIC.

5.5 The domain name expired use without maintenance fee will be canceled and shall be allocated to other subjects. Vietnam P.A no management rights and responsibilities to the owners of the domain name can not continue to use the extension.

5.6 You must actively monitor the duration and implementation of domain name before the extension of expired domain names. P.A Vietnam is not responsible for the stalled or losing the domain name because the subject does not pay the renewal fees or payment delays.

5.7 You are the owner of the domain must be self-managed and self-responsibility on the use of your domain name. Vietnam P.A not bear all the responsibility when you use the domain name to engage in activities that violate the law.

5.8 All disputes related issues of domain names, we will handle pursuant to the provisions of Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC). All disputes related international domains, we will process grounds prescribed by the organization managing the top-level domain names (ICANN)

5.9 The domain name holder must comply with the regulations of Registrar, Registries, VNNIC and ICANN.

5.10 A domain name registration certificate has no legal value in identifying the domain name owner in the event of a dispute.


6.1. We (PA Vietnam) is not responsible for and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information from anyone sent to the server and does not bear any liability or compensation for damages for the loss or damage to data stored on the server.

6.2. Users are responsible for carrying out the maintenance and storage of data on the server.

6.3. Users are solely responsible and assured us of using our Website or Server lawful purposes. Especially in the following cases:
6.3.1. Do not use a server or hosting service to any purpose / form that violates the laws of Vietnam and the world, particularly on the issue of copyright operating system, software, songs ... Also there responsibility to control and prevent others from doing it on the server or its hosting service.
6.3.2. Users may not send, create links or feeder for:
Asian. Any type of data anonymous illegal, threatening, cheating, hatred, misrepresentation, defamation, obscenity, pornography, offensive, information theft ... or other forms of prohibited under any other manner whatsoever.
b. Any type of data that could constitute or encourage forms of crime; anonymous data or violate patents, trademarks, design rights, copyright or any intellectual property rights or the rights of any individual.
6.3.3. Users may not send bulk email form, email spam bring destructive purposes from our server or network and is not recommended that a site is placed on the server using bulk mail, spam mail.
6.3.4. Users may not use the programs capable of clogging the server, causing depletion of natural resources, to overload the processor and the memory of the server. Or use of natural resources exceeds the resources to allow the service pack, so we specified.

6.4. Users securely hold the identification information, passwords or other confidential information relating to your account and immediately notify us if you detect unauthorized access forms by referee your account or security loopholes, including loss, theft or disclosure of information about passwords and other confidential information.

6.5. Users adhere to the procedures that we put forward and will not be used and the server hosting purposes may affect other customers of us.

6.6. Any access to other networks associated with our network must comply with the relevant laws of such networks.

6.7. While we may use measures and efforts to ensure data integrity and safety of the server, we can not guarantee in case the server is compromised from illegal users or hackers such as hardware failure by the manufacturer and is not responsible for data loss cases.

6.8Maximum database capacity is equal to Hosting capacity and doesn't exceed 10GB.

6.9If you discontinue the service, P.A Viet Nam will remove your data on our servers.


The backup services provided by P.A Vietnam are for data storage from customers.We provide this storage space and you rent it to backup your data.

7.1 Scope of application for all backup-related services provided by us.

7.2 With any data or personal information you store on storage space, our backup service is completely done according to your manipulation/ behavior. We only process the system, not interfere with your data.

7.3 We will store any data or any other information you backup, all data is stored on servers in the data center by following per our regulations. By using our backup service, you agree that you are renting storage space and all the data you backup will be moved to the storage space at the servers in the data center by following per our regulations.

7.4 You must understand and agree that we do not interfere, manage any of your data stored on the backup service server. Therefore, we are not responsible for any issues related to data integrity or errors, loss, or missing data that you back up.

7.5 For services you have managed account: You are solely responsible for the use of your account. You must notify us immediately of any use that you believe has been/is /has any unauthorized access to your account ( because you forgot to exit from the browser after use, access by browser from other devices without logging out after use, cookies,...).

7.6 Content of archive: You are solely responsible for any information, data, text, photos, graphics, videos or other documents that you choose to backup with our service, you agree that we may disclose or delete any backup data if we become aware of any content have (or can) violate Vietnamese law, copyright infringement or any other Law / Regulations that we must follow to the authorities if required.

7.7 You agree that the Internet or the systems, servers, and equipment that our data backup service provides to you may sometimes not work fully or in part because of factors such as; unexpected equipment damage, maintenance (whether emergency, scheduled or otherwise), hardware or software upgrades, telecommunications connection problems or other factors beyond our control and you must agree that we are not responsible for you in any way for any issues like this happening to us.

7.8 You agree that we or any of our employees are not responsible for any special, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of data damages or other intangible losses,…even if we are informed of the possibility of such damages arising from the use or failure to use any of our data backup services. We are not responsible for any unauthorized access to your account or change the data that you have backed up by our data backup service.

7.9 For limited liability, you acknowledge that our data backup service is capable of errors, omissions, technical delays, hardware maintenance, software upgrades, do not provide service or replace your information. In this case, you specifically agree that we are not responsible for any damages.

7.10 We are not legally responsible for backup or recovery failures because there is no guarantee that the operation will not generate errors, carelessness, overwritten data, corrupted backup data, errors ...

7.11 We do not guarantee to fix errors after recovery, because data backup and recovery is done by users and backup software system, we cannot interfere and do not manage backup data of you


8.1 Refund policy:

P.A Viet Nam commits to refund within 30 (thirty) days from the time the service registration is completed for the types of services listed below :

No Type of service Used Time
Less than 09 days From 10 to 30 days Over 30 days
1 Host Pro(High Quality),Wordpress Pro(High Quality) 100% refund, no usage fee within 09 days Only pay for the number of days are used No refund policy
2 Email Server
3 EAP - Anti-spam
4 Cloud Server Pro
5 SSL - Security certificate
6 Superhost
7 Wordpress VIP
8 Web30s
9 Digital PABX

Note: Service types do not list in the above table will not apply to the Refund Policy. The refund amount is calculated as follows:

Refund = Total Amount Paid - [ Used Time <,= 30 days + Other Service Fee + Tax handling fee + Transfer Fee]

- Used time:

  + Used time : <,= 9 days you will not be charged this fee

  + 9 days < Used time <,= 30 days: you only pay for the number of days are used.

  + Used time: > 30 days; If this refund policy expires, the service will be transferred to a refund policy according to the Terms and Conditions of the SLA agreement (if any).

   +Other service fees: domain name or Premium SSL is included with promotion (if the service has been activated)

- Tax handling fee: costs related to issued invoices (if any).

- Transfer fee: the return transfer fee charged by the bank.

8.1 Arrears:

During registration, renewal and using service at Party B. If Party A uses security holes or system errors or any other errors of Party B to register and renew without payment, or use the service beyond the provisions of the service package purchased by Party B, Party B has the right to collect arrear according to the service tariff at that time. Party A must be responsible for payment and be responsible for all damages caused by Party A.


Definition of the expiration date parameter:
Expire Cert: This is the actual expiration date of a certificate.
Expire Order: This is the expiration date of the certificate on Party B's management system.

9.1 SSL certificates are only valid for 1 year or up to 13 months because SSL providers only allow registration/renewal for up to 1 year.

9.2 SSL certificates are only allowed to be renewed when the expiration date of the certificate is less than 30 days, this is to ensure that the new certificate does not exceed the 13 months specified by the provider.

9.3 The actual expiration date of the certificate (Expired Cert) may be different from the expiration date on the system (Expired Order) (For some objective reasons).In this case, Party A needs to immediately notify Party B for inspection and adjustment if there is a difference. If the above difference affects Party A's activities, Party B is not responsible at all.

9.4 For multi-year registration certificates, the exact expiration date of the certificate is the Expire Cert parameter, go to the link: and select the service management section to check.

9.5 In the case of SSL registration/renewal for multi-year. Every year, party A needs to actively monitor the expiration date of the certificate and provide necessary information to Party B for Party B to carry out the re-issuance procedure new certificate if Expired Order is still valid (but not less than 06 months).

9.6 Party B will not be responsible if Party A registers for SSL certificate for many years. But every year Party A forgets or fails to provide the necessary information to Party B so that Party B can carry out the re-issuance procedure new certificate.This affects the operation of Party A.

9.7 Party B only supports refunding the fee to Party A within 09 days from the date of service registration.

9.8 Multi-year registration certificates are not refundable under any circumstances (except for clause 9.7).


10.1 When using this function, the Customer agrees to authorize P.A Vietnam to make automatic online payment transactions on behalf of the customer for the renewal of services at P.A Vietnam.

10.2 The automatic renewal period will be implemented for a period greater than 15 days and after 30 days from the expiration date of the service(15 days <= expiration date =< 30 days).

10.3 P.A Vietnam will not refund money if the Customer cancels the function after the system has successfully performed automatic renewal.

10.4 Customers need to ensure sufficient balance and Card/E-wallet are always in working condition to be able to perform automatic renewal function. In case the Card/E-wallet is locked, there is not enough balance, etc., leading to the failure of automatic renewal, affecting the operation of the Customer. P.A Vietnam will not be responsible in this case.

10.5 Automatic renewal of services will be assigned by the Customer according to the specific service. P.A Vietnam only performs automatic renewal with the consent of the Customer.

10.6 To confirm the automatic renewal for a specific service, the Customer needs to check the email and click confirm for the system to recognize it.

10.7 The service value of automatic renewal will not be fixed but depends on the service price at the time of renewal.

10.8 The automatic renewal feature is just a channel to support customers in actively managing their service renewal, but it also has to comply with all the regulations in Article 3. In any case, the owner must take responsibility for actively monitoring information about the status of operations, the validity period of the registered service used at P.A Vietnam.

10.9 To cancel the auto-renewal function, Customers need to log in to their account at and cancel before the renewal is done.

ARTICLE 11: Provisions for Service Expiration

11.1 You are responsible for monitoring, checking, and managing the expiration time of the services being used at P.A Vietnam.

11.2 Prior to the service expiration, you need to back up your important data from the server if you have a need to store the data.

11.3 If you do not renew the service after it expires, the service will be automatically locked. This will result in you being unable to access the website, email, or any other applications related to the expired service.

11.4 Grace period support will be provided automatically in the customer management account according to the regulations of P.A Vietnam.

11.5 Data will be automatically deleted after 30 days in a sequential queue. System resources such as IP addresses, hardware, hosting, etc., may be reclaimed after 15 days from the expiration date, and we do not guarantee that the data will be preserved on P.A Vietnam's servers after the specified time periods.

11.6 To If you need to retrieve data after the service has expired, please pay the data restoration fee or renew according to the monthly cycle of 01, 02, 03, and so on. If your data backup still exists, we will support the reactivation of the service, and you can proactively perform backups.

11.7 P.A Vietnam has full authority to change these provisions based on the actual circumstances that arise.


Regulations on information security: Click to see here


Regulations on using Web Hosting service: Click to see here


Agreement to user Email Marketing Service: Click to see here


Service level agreement : Click to see here


Regulations on using Email Server service: Click to see here


Regulations on using The Domain Name Privacy Protection service: Click to see here


P.A Viet Nam



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