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Hãy lựa chọn gói Hosting phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn.

NodeJS #0

  • Discount 25% 98.000đ
  • 74.000 đ /month
  • with a 05 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
4 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #1

  • Discount 25% 144.000đ
  • 108.000 đ /month
  • with a 05 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
10 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #2

  • Discount 15% 234.000đ
  • 199.000 đ /month
  • with a 03 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
15 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #3

  • Discount 15% 414.000đ
  • 352.000 đ /month
  • with a 03 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
20 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #4

  • Discount 15% 676.000đ
  • 575.000 đ /month
  • with a 03 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
30 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #5

  • Discount 15% 1.000.000đ
  • 850.000 đ /month
  • with a 03 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
60 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao

NodeJS #6

  • Discount 15% 1.190.000đ
  • 1.012.000 đ /month
  • with a 03 year
Register now
Power Priority Support
Including processing performance, transmission speed and web access responsiveness
SSD NVMe dedicated to the server system, with the highest performance and speed at the moment.
80 GB
We do not limit bandwidth in order to support customers to use the best service, avoid interruptions when operating the website and in accordance with The Terms of The Service Agreement of PA Vietnam. If the use of bandwidth of your website is in danger of affecting the performance, stability or uptime of the system we will notify, advise you to use another service or may suspend your service if it affected our system. The violations of our policies often use Hosting to share, store or transfer files, data files or Media, Audio.
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Maximum number of databases that can be used
Park/Addon Domain
Park Domain: Maximum number of domains (connect multiple domains to the main domain, use the same data with the main domain) that can be used
Addon Domain: Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
SSL with License
Web server
Provides the ability to serve websites, web applications, create and manage network connections between servers and users
Apache | Nginx
Control Panel cPanel | Directadmin
Quality standards ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao ngoi sao
  • - Price does not include VAT
  • - Refer to the safe data backup service : click here
  • - Support version "Mysql Community Edition"


NodeJS #0 NodeJS #1 NodeJS #2 NodeJS #3 NodeJS #4 NodeJS #5 NodeJS #6
Maximum storage space that you are allowed to use on the server
4 GB 10 GB 15 GB 20 GB 30 GB 60 GB 80 GB
Data traffic that your server can transmit in a certain period of time, typically per month
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum number of email accounts that can be used for primary domain
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
FTP account
Number of FTP accounts (used for data transfer) that can be used
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Database type
Maximum number of databases that can be used
My SQL / Mariadb / PostgreSQL
Sub domain
Maximum number of subdomains that can be used (for example:
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Addon Domain
Maximum number of domains (other than the main domain) that can be used
0 2 3 6 8 9 10
Park Domain
Maximum number of domains (connected to the main domain, using shared data with the main domain) that can be used
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Multi PHP
(PHP 5.x to 8.x)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that creates a secure connection between a server and a web browser. It ensures that data transmitted over the network between the two parties is encrypted and cannot be stolen or modified by anyone else.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
NodeJS All versions
Redis is a key-value storage system with many features and is widely used.
Redis stands out for supporting a variety of basic data structures (hash, list, set, sorted set, string). In addition to storing key-value in RAM with high performance
Redis also supports storing data on disk (persistent Redis) to allow data recovery in case of failure
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Web Firewall
A web application firewall (WAF) is a solution that protects web applications from security vulnerabilities and mitigates the risk from malicious queries and access
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
It is an improved version of the HTTP protocol, using multiplexing, header compression, and server push to increase the speed and performance of data transmission over the network
Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
SSH Access
Access Through Terminal GUI or via cPanel account
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accelerated Compression
Gzip support is a method for compressing and reducing the size of files on the server before sending them to the client (such as a browser). It helps to save bandwidth and improve the loading speed of the website
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manual backup
Customers can take proactive backups through the hosting management interface
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic backup
Automatic Backups with P.A Viet Nam schedule
Hàng tuần(1 Bản)
Malware handling software Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-library support NextJS, ReactJS, VueJS, NuxtJS...

Additional services for web hosting nodejs that you may need

WebGuard Pro

1.052.000VND x 03 month
1.031.000VND x 06 month
999.000VND x 12 month

999.000đ / month

WebHost Backup #1

35.000VND x 01 month
35.000VND x 03 month
30.000VND x 06 month
25.000VND x 12 month
15.000VND x 24 month

15.000đ / month

Chuyển Dữ Liệu Website Nội Bộ #1

468.000đ / OneTime

*Note: Bandwidth only use in this month

Better options for you

Website security, increase business reputation (SSL)

290.000đ / 12 month

Security services encrypt data, increase the reliability of Website, Email.

Webhosting Backup

300.000đ / 12 month

Protect your data safe from the risk of accidental deletion, virus.

Speed up access

2.388.000đ / 12 month

Accelerate data processing entirely on RAM, but data is still safe when stored on the hard drive. P.A ElasticCache is easy to integrate and an optimal choice for open source Wordpress, Joomla, Nukeviet…

Increase deal is done

204.000đ / 12 month

Customers will get support faster than email and more efficiently than phone. Live chat allows you to track and chat with your visitors and access your website. An eCommerce web solution that can increase sales.

Register website with the Ministry of Industry and Trade

2.000.000đ / OneTime

Every year more than 15,000 businesses are fined and more than 8,000 self-registrations fail, PA Vietnam will help businesses do it. procedures, processes to achieve the best results, fastest with the best cost.



Máy chủ sử dụng các dòng CPU thế hệ mới nhất của Intel công nghệ lưu trữ NVMe SSD U.2 - Raid 10 cực nhanh và an toàn dữ liệu cao nhất.

HOẠT ĐỘNG 99.99%

Với đội ngũ giám sát 24/7
Công nghệ clustering đặc biệt giúp hệ thống luôn hoạt động liên tục.


Cung cấp hệ thống quản trị tốt nhất thế giới giúp khách hàng không có kiến thức kỹ thuật vẫn khai thác dịch vụ hiệu quả.


P.A Việt Nam là đơn vị đầu tiên tại VN cam kết sử dụng Phần mềm có bản quyền cung cấp dịch vụ cho khách hàng.


Ứng dụng công nghệ AI trong việc giám sát, quản lý, giảm thiểu hạn chế các mối nguy hại từ môi trường bên trong lẫn bên ngoài.


Là nhà cung cấp dịch vụ lớn và uy tín trên 23 năm chúng tôi luôn có đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng 24/7 để xử lý mọi tình huống trong quá trình sử dụng.

Vì sao nên chọn P.A Việt Nam

Giá tốt nhất thị trường

Chúng tôi cam kết giá tại đây luôn tốt nhất cho bạn

Đáng tin cậy

Giữ vị trí top 1 số lượng đăng ký .VN hơn 2 thập kỉ qua, số liệu được cung cấp bởi Trung Tâm Internet Việt Nam VNNIC

23 năm dẫn đầu

Hơn 23 năm trong lĩnh vực cung cấp tên miền, lưu trữ website, email cho doanh nghiệp , máy chủ đám mây và các giải pháp dịch vụ giá trị gia tăng Internet

Hỗ trợ 24/7

Trung tâm hỗ trợ khách hàng của chúng tôi luôn hiện diện trực tuyến và sẵn sàng trợ giúp bạn mọi lúc, hãy gọi ngay 1900 9477

Frequently Asked Questions

Có, Hosting NodeJS có thể chạy song song NodeJS và các website có mã nguồn PHP với đầy đủ phiên bản PHP mới nhất hiện tại (8.x).

Có, hosting NodeJS có hỗ trợ vấn đề này, Bạn hoàn toàn có thể thực hiện SSH qua user qua các phần mềm hỗ trợ (Putty, MobaXterm ...) hoặc thao tác qua ứng dụng Terminal trên công cụ quản trị hosting.

ReactJS là một thư viện JavaScript phía client cho việc xây dựng giao diện người dùng tương tác và nó có thể được sử dụng trong môi trường Node.js

NextJS là framework mã nguồn mở được xây dựng trên nền tảng của React, cho phép chúng ta xây dựng các trang web tĩnh có tốc độ siêu nhanh và thân thiện. Vì vậy NextJS cũng được sử dụng trong môi trường Node.js

Có, bạn có thể điều chỉnh phiên bản NodeJS qua tính năng Setup Node.js App trên giao diện hosting Directadmin hoặc cPanel để tạo domain, subdomain tương ứng phiên bản cần sử dụng



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