What is SSL and SSL Certificate ?

1. What is SSL?

SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer. This is a global security technology standard to create a link between web server and browser. This link ensures all data exchanged between web servers and browsers are always security and safety.

SSL ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and browser is private, separate. SSL is a technology standard used by millions of websites to protect online transactions with their customers.

a. How SSL works?
  • SSL encryption of sensitive information during online transactions.
  • Every SSL Certificate is created for a single website.
  • A reputable agency has authorized the employer website identity before issuing SSL certificates.

b. What happens when a computer is connected to an authenticated website?

c. How to browse an SSL check is real or not ?

Website sends to browser an SSL certificate, browser will send the certificate to a host of digital certificates approved.

Technically, SSL uses public-key encryption. This technique enables Website and browser agreed upon will use a key during the exchange of information then (step 4 in the image above). Public key will change in each of the next trading time, another person will not even be able to decrypt the data with the server's certificate store number above.

2. Why use SSL?
  • You register domain to use website services, email ... -> always have vulnerabilities -> hacker attack -> SSL protected website and your customers.
  • Data security: data is encrypted and only the true recipient can decrypt.
  • Data integrity: Data not altered by hacker.
  • Non-repudiation: User send data can not deny their data.
3. Benefits of using SSL?

You register domain to use website services, email ... -> always have vulnerabilities -> hacker attack -> SSL protected website and your customers.

  • Security and encryption of messages exchanged between browser and the server.
  • Secure transactions between customers and businesses.
  • Secure Webmail and applications like Outlook Web Acess, Exchange, Office Communication Server.
  • Secure applications like Citrix Delivery Platform or Cloud applications.
  • Secure FTP service.
  • Secure access Control panel.
  • Security of data transmission services in the internal network, file sharing, extranet.
  • Secure VPN Access Servers, Citrix Access Gateway.
  • Improve image, brand and corporate reputation.
  • Creating competitive advantage, increase customer confidence for website, increase the number of transactions, the transaction online.
4. What is CA?
  • Certificate Authority (CA): is the organization that issued the type certificate authentication of users, businesses, the server (server), code, software. Certificate authority acts as a third party (both parties believe) to support the secure exchange of information.
  • GlobalSign - one of the first businesses in the world to be recognized as a provider of digital signature authentication, supply all kinds of digital certificate, digital certificate packages, digital certificate solutions for the financial industry - banking, health care, education and other areas of business.
  • Evidence of global standards
  • Compatible with 99% of browsers
  • Provided by one of the world's most prestigious CA
  • Oriented enterprise with all product lines SSL
  • Save for businesses to choose Wildcard
5. DV-SSL:

Domain Validation (DV): SSL digital certificate authentication for Domain Name - Website. When one website using SSL DV will be authenticated domain name, website encrypted safe when exchanged.

6. OV-SSL:
  • Organization Validation (OV): SSL digital certificate authentication for website and owner website.
7. EV-SSL:
  • Extended Validation (EV): your customer see website is using SSL certificates with the highest level of security and thorough legal review.
  • With green address bar show full information of the company, providing a higher level of trust in your website.
8. Wildcard SSL:

(Wildcard SSL Certificate): The product is ideal for e-commerce portals. This type of website can create e-store site, each e-store is a sub domains. We can use only one Wildcard certificate number for the domain name of the website and share for all sub domains.



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